Nice graphical version of this
can be found at

Falcon demo :

231 points        DHS
227 points        FUN
208 points        Cobra
163 points        Mind Design
76 points         NoCrew

ST demo :

366 points        Checkpoint
322 points        Mystic Bytes
283 points        Stax
268 points        DHS

Truecolour graphics :

279 points        Agent-t
264 points        Flash
243 points        NrD
204 points        Tom
135 points        Andy
123 points        MSG

16 colour graphics :

289 points        Havoc
269 points        ST Survivor
268 points        Paranoid
248 points        Vulgar
179 points        505
173 points        Rich Davey

128 Byte intros :

167 points        Mr Pink
122 points        DHS
114 points        NoCrew

Fake competition :

306 points        Ibiza
270 points        Bugwuerst
195 points        TinyToons

Chipmusic :

312 points        Tao
277 points        McLaser
269 points        505

4channel music :

320 points        MSG
296 points        505
243 points        McLaser
233 points        Tinker
194 points        FXL

Multichannel music :

296 points        505
276 points        Energizer
274 points        McLaser
258 points        Scy
228 points        Luebke
228 points        Lot
221 points        FXL

Wildcompetition :

179 points        Falk Buettner
159 points        Energizer
145 points        No
140 points        Checkpoint
117 points        McLaser

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