" It is only a goodbye " known as the song...

Then goodbye ! This morning I finally received the toXic 17, undoubtedly the poorest edition which we never left ! But I do not have with me to excuse because I announced my work and this observation is valid for all those who took part in this last edition...

The others, I do not even want to speak to you. I have some enough of the hypocritical comments kind " I did not even know that one could write for toXic " etc... if it does not interest you then enjoy because the toXic is not any more ! I either my great disappointment after having learned that The Beast did not want to take again the sequel either, undoubtedly he's too occupied making another thing (what ? it is a mystery...). Finally here...

[NdTB : correction : I decided to continue Toxic Mag]

Thus benefit after a fashion from this last gift... The interview of Agent -t- having arrived after the deadline, I was constrained to add it under Gem... really minable I find...

I continue on ST but with motivated guys...

St SurvivOr

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