After the disappearance of STraTOS and ST Magazine, here a new
magazine to take again the Atari torch ! In fact, there are two of
them, but I have only one of them. Its name : Acc Magazine. It is
small a fanzine quot; photocopied quot; published by the Prométhée
association which set the goal to promote the alternative systems, of
which Atari. Let us pass to the magazine itself now.
As regards the contents of the fanzine, there is well cavity the news,
with in bulk Papyrus 7, Swiftel 3.6, the Eclipse (a fabulous trick :
an adapter PCI for Falcon, available at Titan), small information in
connection with Wen.Suite 3, Fonty, Menu 6, a game of the name of
Whipper-snapper's race of New Design. Then, 2 small pages on the
Blackbird project from Motorola (snif, 2 pages only) which should make
speak about him ! What appears odd to me it is that nobody spoke about
it before to my knowledge. At all events, let us await number 2 of
ACC for more infos ; I would like just to add that those which are
interested by Project X should leave to hunting to the infos on
Blackbird ! Let us continue in the reading of the mag... A file on
the various emulators Atari ST available, subject which hardly
impassions me, I prefer the originals by far. According to this file,
another file on art and manner of (un)pack. In the medium of
this file, a small data base not too badly (lives Voice Type and Co).
One continues with a historical key on MIDDAY and the music MIDDAY
on Atari which is used as introduction to the next numbers. Then a
very interesting heading and which promises to be it still more : the
heading do-it-yourselfing ! Lastly, assembly, as it is written. With
the program for this number : a video booster rocket which is used to
obtain a signal of better quality on the exit STAKE of Falcon, as well
as the description of an adapter ST towards VGA which makes it
possible to be useful of a monitor VGA like mono monitor on its ST. I
do not resist the desire of showing you the program of the next
issues with regard to this heading : compatible cartridge ST replay +
video digitizer 24 img/s (ST Low), a module HD for ST, a Ide connector
/ TOS 2.06 for ST (I expect STe too !), extension 4 Mo for ST and 14
Mo for Falcon, adapter keyboard PC and mouse PC in hardware. It
should be noted that the not-handymen can control the assemblies
already welded for a rather moderate sum, as well as the printed
circuits for those which do not have the suitable material.
Then, the tests come, for this number, two shareware : Joe and EBModel
(ok, JOE is a freeware, but there are modules sharewares). Then, a
small easy way for XXL, which seems to be a very good spreadsheet, but
I wait to see to believe it (it is not for only I am called Thomas).
At its time, ST Mag always devoted some pages to " the evolution of
Evolution ", this time, one finds nose with nose with a heading of the
soft name of " revolution of Evolution " which announces to us some
changes with his of this one : Bertrand the MARNE yields his place to
Marc DELBOS, I give you some infos on top a little later. And
finally, the last part which concerns the amateurs of the Atari
consoles. Some small tricks there are learned, but I would not speak
about it for there is too many infos, rather try to get the mag to
you, which is much more interesting. Oups, I was going to forget the
heading which I had kept for the end : the heading programming ! With
the synopsis this time, an article of Guillaume TELLO on the
programming of the 8 timers of the TT, but which applies very well to
the good old men ST ; the beginning of a series on the 3D in GFA by
certain Emmanuel BARANGER ; a treating article of the ergonomics of
applications GEM by Eric Reboux ; an article on the programming of
Drag&Drop by Pascal Barlier and finally the small last on the
programming of chart ROPOCOP, triple port cartouche for Hades/(Milan ?)
by Héraklès.
This big issue, which holds from now on a diskette HD, offers
many very varied articles. The interface changed and graphics are
better than before. The news are recent, but let us not
forget only this number goes back to December 1998. The press review
always also imposing and is well filled. You will not badly find
initiations in this number (initiation with Cubase Audio, with the
assembler and you will know all about famous file NEWDESK.INF).
Another article will propose to you of all to know about Checkdisk 3
which, in spite of its age, remains a good utility for hard disk.
Internet is present in this number in the form of summaries of
interesting sites, which they have or not a bond with Atari. Let us
not forget either the solutions of Bargon Attack as well as Ishar II
for the set ones on video games.
A gallery of images makes its appearance in this number, which is not
to displease to us. Still more image for the next time, please !
We are in front of a number well sympathetic nerve and filled well.
In no-claims bonus, you will find well on the diskette of the mag some
p' tits programs cools : Snacman, Checkdisk 3 and of plugs-in for POV.
We wish long life with this fanzine quarterly with format HTML.
PS : good chance to find ST Book, Rajah Lone !
It is about a new whole fanzine black and white with the format
horizontal A4 dedicated to all the atarists. In order to rake broad,
the fanzine is as well interested in the computers as with the Atari
consoles, of ST in Milan while passing by the antique VCS and the
Jaguar. This first number is quite carried out. It contains very
interesting articles on Tempest 2000 and Towers 2 as well as a press
review and news fresh. Appearance of technical articles being able to
be only beneficial, to also learn how to you to connect Falcon to a
Amstrad monitor at a ridiculous cost. Another good point : the
address book. You will be able to finally know with whom and where to
address to you in the event of technical problem or if you have some
purchases to carry out for your preferred bike. Special mention at
the heading sharewares, filled very well and full with captures with
screen. It points out the good old woman to us heading of the same
name in old ST Mags...
A first number which is not so badly, in the final analysis. One will
regret the low number of pages (20 only) and the unusual format of the
fanzine (reversed A4), but that it is a question of taste.
Sold with a calendar of the year 1999, this number is him also with
the format A4. The articles are very varied and those dedicated to
the consoles are in a significant number. Hey yes, even the VCS with
right in its article ! The news are always as well filled, although a
little short. On the other hand, the article on Phenix dates a little
since the specifications described in this number are not good any
more. Material side, one finds an article rather eulogistic on Milan.
A heading dedicated to Internet sees its appearance, accompanied by a
description to help you to install Sting on your machine and to thus
give to you access to this fabulous network of the networks. The
tests are numerous : commercial software (like Devil Studio) with the
sharewares, everyone will find shoe with its foot there. To finish,
let us announce the presence of an interview of Marc Olivier,
celebrates zikos on Falcon.
A second number better than the first, in spite of the spelling
mistakes. It should be noted that pages 18 and 19 offer a very new
design, by hoping that the remainder of the fanzine ose to follow
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