By Strider

Sources: newsgroups, ST-Computer, MagiC online,, DHS


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November 27th, 2001

PhotoTip 3.10 updated

PhotoTip is dedicated to handle digital photo-cameras. This new version allows to save into the "Exif JPEG" format and there is a new image converter. According to the author, PhotoTip should work with MiNT/NAES but he would like some feedback about that point.

More information on DurSoft's site


CT60: available for Christmas?

Rodolphe Czuba is still designing his accelerator card. There are 72 pre-orders and the manual routing of the CT60 is finished.

More information on Czuba-Tech's site


Which OS for xTOS?

The xTOS is an Atari-compatible hardware project, based on the ColdFire processor designed by Motorola. According to the spokesman, this future OS should be "an operating system combining the stability of old TOS versions with the flexibility of modern operating systems like MiNT or MagiC". According to MagiC Online, the developers are studying the possibility of MiNT integration at the kernel level.

More information on MagiC Online's site


Amiga-Messe 2001: the Pegasos is coming!

During the Amiga-Messe 2001, there was a demonstration of the Pegasos. This is an Amiga compatible computer, running under MorphOS. Many others OSes should work with this hardware (Linux, BeOS...). We're talking about the Pegasos here because MiNT should be adapted to this future computer (beware, it's only a rumour...).

More information on Merlancia's site
Photos: the mass-production of the Pegasos
Photos: the Amiga Messe 2001


Invitation for ParaCon 3

This coding party for Atari and Commodore 64 computers will be held between Frankfurt and Cologne in Germany, from Friday, November 30th to Sunday, December 2nd. For this event, the crew Paranoia has released an intro for ST and Falcon.

More information on Paranoia's site


Oxygene Music Demo

This is the very first demo made by Oxygene crew. It was never officially released before and it will work only on ST/STe and emulators.

More information on Dead Hackers Society' site


XaAES 0.933

A new version for this AES replacement, with some bug fixes.

More information on FreeMiNT's site


Patch for MGEMLIB

A patch is available for the library MGEMLIB pl40 (there was a problem with the function appl_getinfo()).

More information on GEMTOS' site


zBench 0.9

zBench is a brand new benchmark software for Atari computers and emulators with at least a 68020 processor and a multitasking OS. It can generate a report about the configuration of your computer.

More information on Arcadia Crew's site


November 15th, 2001


This new TOS emulator means "Atari Running on Any Machine". It has been designed to use and develop Atari applications on computers running under Linux (a Windows version should be ready soon). Note that ARAnyM is still under developpment.

More information on Aranym's site


Alternative Party 3

Far from the coding (LAN?) parties infested with powerful PCs, the Alternative Party privileges the rebellious spirit and the underground computers, such as Commodore 64, Atari and Amiga. It will be held from the 11th to the 13th of January 2002, in Helsinki (Finland).

More information on the Alternative Party's site


Alternative Party 3 invitation

The crew Wildfire has just released an invitation intro for the Alternative Party 3. Their intro uses an MP2 music and only works with a Falcon.

Download the demo here


MyAtari: issue of November

It is available on the Web only two weeks after the final release of the issue of October. You will find a few articles for the moment, but the others should be online soon.

More information on MyAtari's site


fVDI Configurator 0.959 beta

fVDI Configurator has been updated. It deals with a system tool for Eclipse card owners.

More information on Rajah Lone's site

November 8th, 2001

Chu Chu Rocket is available!

This adaptation of a puzzle game for Sega's Dreamcast was waited by a lot of atarists. The goal of this game is to put arrays on the ground in order to guide mice to the exit. There are two version of Chu Chu Rocket: one for the computers with only 1 MB of RAM, and one for the computers with at least 2 MB (this version contains all the sounds from the original version). Chu Chu Rocket works on STe, Mega STe and Falcon (not TT).

More information on Reservoir Gods' site


Thematic Slide Show #1

Thematic Slide Shows are a new range of slide shows for STe. Every issue will be dedicated to a singer, it will contains a sampled music and several Photochrome pictures. The first issue is dedicated to the French singer Mylène Farmer.

Download the demo here


MGEMLIB patchlevel 40

MGEMLIB is a standart library for GEM. This version brings some corrections and it supports GCC 2.95.3.

More information on GEMTOS' site


Génération 2.04

The last version of this familly tree software brings some bug corrections.

More information on Arnaud Bercegeay's site


November 5th, 2001

SainT 0.99

A few days after Steem 2 has been released, the new version of SainT is ready. It needs a PC with a 3D gfx card and DirectX 8. Several bugs were removed and the emulator should work with all the versions of Windows.

More information on Leonard's site


ST-Sound Advance

Do you remember the M-Coder's screen in the "Bird Mad Girl Show" demo? It was a compilation of about 200 soundchip musics. Now, Leonard from Oxygene crew has adapted this screen for the GameBoy Advance, with more musics from Atari ST and Amiga 500 (there are 277 tunes, the total length is about 10 hours of pure soundchip!).

More information on Leonard's site


ST Computer: issue of November

Into this new issue: a detailed test report of the UMAX computers with MagiC Mac, an interview with Leonard Tramiel, a review of the game Painium Disaster for Falcon, an article about X11 under GEM, and so on.

More information on ST Computer's site


Okami Newsreader 3.0 beta 4

Okami is a software suite for "storing, reading and generating Internet news and mail offline". It has been entirely rewritten and it brings numerous features. Its author would like to get some feedback because it's a beta version.

More information on Okami's site


MyAtari: issue of October

Happy birthday, MyAtari! This issue contains articles for all Atari computers, from the 8-bit to the 64-bit systems. You will even learn that a society called iFone should adapt Atari's greatest classics for cell phones...

More information on MyAtari's site


November 2nd, 2001

Calamus SL 2002

The very last version of this great Atari software is now available. However, it's not a tool for every Atari user (it costs 669 euros)...

More information on Invers Software's site


Papyrus 9

This month, another great Atari software has been updated: Papyrus 9. It's an excellent text processor, only available in German for the moment. The english version should be released in some weeks.

More information on R.O.M. Logicware's site


Steem 2

Steem is anAtari STE emulator for Linux and Windows. This new version brings some new features (new options for the sound card, users can record the sound into a file...) and corrects some bugs (the overscan and the blitter management, for exemple).

More information on Steem's site


New Satantronic intro

The Satantronic crew, which is a demo crew for Atari 8-bit computers, has released their first Falcon intro: it's a 4KBytes fire effect. Another demo is in the pipeline: an ST/STE slideshow.

More information on Satantronic's site



Demo crews Paranoia and Escape have coded a "Windows error simulator". This isn't very useful, but it's quite funny to see your Atari displaying Windows error messages.

More information on Paranoia's site


Generation 2.03

Generation is a useful software for creating family trees. The version 2.03 doesn't bring any new functionality, but it is compiled with GCC 2.95.3 (instead of SozobonX) and uses new C libraries.

More information on Arnaud Bercegeay's site


Fractal Music ST becomes free

Fractal Music ST is both a music processor and a music generator. Now it's a freeware and an English documentation (PDF format) is avaible on the author's site.

More information on Fractal Music ST's site


Nconvert 3.16

The Atari version 3.16 of this image format converter is available for free. It's a TTP program and you must enter command lines to use it.

More information on Pierre Gougelet's site


Atari Talk Forum

It's a new discussion board in english (so there aren't a lot of messages yet). It concerns all Atari computers and video game systems.

More information on Atari Talk Forum's site


Find It 2.04

A new update for Find It, a useful utility if you're looking for files or folders.

More information on Eric Reboux's site


GSLib 0.3

GSlib (GEMScript library) is an extension for the WINDOM library, it allows to easily implement communications with others applications.

More information on Arnaud Bercegeay's site


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