By Strider

Sources: newsgroups, ST-Computer, MagiC online,, DHS


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August 29th, 2001

Mountain is now free

Rémi Vanel isn't active on Atari anymore and he has decided to put Mountain into the public domain. Mountain is a powerful video editing software. The documentation and the sources (in C and assembler) are available. It is also possible to get free versions of Rémi Vanel's others productions: just send him an e-mail.

More information on Rémi Vanel's site


Aniplayer version 2.17

The last version of the more famous Atari software is now available. In addition to the bug corrections, it uses a shared JPEG library, removes some limitations for zooming, improves the management of the delay of the image on the sound, and so on.

More information on Aniplayer's site


MagiC update

It has been a long time that one awaited version 6.20 of MagiC for its greater compatibility with MiNT. You should note the update of this operating system is not only free, but is also downloadable on ASH's site. Attention, however: MagiC 6.20 is only available in German.

More information on ASH's site
(direct link to MagiC Atari and MagiC Milan)
(direct link to MagiC Mac)


The unexpected return of MacMiNT

MacMiNT is a version of MiNT for Macintosh which was rather unperceived a few years ago. Its author updated this multi-task operating system for Mac (based on 68K or PowerPC processors). However, neither AES nor TCP/IP socket function yet: you can use it only in text mode.

More informations on MacMiNT's site


Texto! version 2.0

Texto! is a conversion text utility for different formats (Atari ASCII, HTML and Windows ANSI). This new version runs with multi-task operating systems and supports enhanced file selectors such as Selectric or BoxKite.

More information on Stéphane Perez's site

August 14th, 2001

FalcAmp changes its skin

FalcAmp strikes back with a new version, called 1.09. Beyond the bug corrections, the user can now change the visual aspect of the interface, just like WinAmp and its "skins". On FalcAmp's site, you can download and try 5 new skins.

More information on FalcAmp's site


MyAtari - August 2001

The August 2001 issue of MyAtari has just been released. Inside this webzine, you will find articles about the Déesse card, an interview of Oliver Kotschi from Frontier Systems, MIDI arpeggiators and the test of aMail 1.27b.

More information on MyAtari's site


What about changing your desktop?

Gemma offers a new and modern look and feel for your favourite OS, such as KDE for Linux. There are two versions of Gemma for MagiC, according to the palette colour of your screen resolution. NAES lovers can get a simplified version of Gemma.

More information on Gemma's site


XaAES version 0.920

The lastest version of this multitasking AES is now able to run with the "protected memory" of MiNT. Its author is waiting for your positive or negative reactions.

More information on XaAES' site


CPX-Basic comes back

Quite unknown, the CPX-Basic is a Basic language for XControl (or its clones). The latest version (1.08) includes new instructions and the source code.

More information on Matthias Jaap's site


August 10th, 2001


Demo'n'STration is a new Polish site about Atari demo world. For the moment, the site doesn't contain a lot of pages and only two demos are tested. But the webmaster would like to ameliorate his site and translate it into English.

More information on Demo'n'STration's site


Animator 0.20.2

The Removers have just released a new beta version of Animator. This software can play AVI, MOV, FLI and FLC animations, as well as WAV sounds. The authors are waiting for your feedback about their work.

More information on The Removers' site


New Web site: Eclipse User's Support Page

Joshua Kaijankoski has recently created a new site about the Eclipse, a card for Falcons which allows to plug PCI cards. However, all the pages aren't online yet. For the moment, a (quite subjective) review and a public forum are available.

More information on Eclipse User's Support Page's site


Rodolphe Czuba's site updated

Rodolphe Czuba, the creator of the famous CenTurbo 2 card, has updated the Czuba Tech's site. He has added some photographs and schematics from his different projects: Phenix 060, CenTurbo 2, CentRam...

More information on Czuba Tech's site


August 8th, 2001

PmDoom 0.27

PmDoom is a Doom adaptation for Atari computers, realized by Patrice Mandin. This version is able to use a GEM window to display the game screen. It can also store the parameters into a file.

More information on Patrice Mandin's site


Atari XL/XE musics

The site "Atari SAP Music Archive", dedicated to the 8-bit Atari computers, has been updated. The version 2.0 of the archive now contains 1055 tunes. Note that you will find on their site some software to play these musics with a PC, an Atari...

More information on Atari SAP Music Archive


New FreeMiNT kernel update

The version 1.15.12 of the FreeMiNT kernel is now available. There are new system calls, a better memory management, and so on. If you like MiNT, you must get this update.

More information on Sparemint's site (direct link to the archives)


CD Write Suite 3.2

This CD recording software is composed of three programs: CD Writer, CD Backup and CD InScriptOr. CD Write Suite can burn audio CD as well as CD-ROMs (ISO 9660, Joliet et Rock Ridge). It recognizes 74 and 80 minutes CDs. It can also make a back-up of your partitions and then restore them later. The recording speed is 2x on a humble ST and 4x on a 68030-based computer.

More information on Anodyne Software's site


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