By Strider
Sources: newsgroups, ST-Computer, MagiC online,, DHS
July 2002: new versions
ACE MIDI 1.05 New Beat
ConvIcon 1.0 Paranoia
ExtenDOS Gold 3.4a Anodyne Software
HighWire 0.06 HighWire Development Team
HYP_View 0.12 Philipp Donzé
SainT 1.10 Leonard
Steem 2.3 Steem
WenSuite Tools 0.7.3 AlbaTOS
Windframe Xgem 0.76.5 ERS
XaAES 0.951 XaAES
July 17th, 2002
Falcon Demo Mania volume 2
The second issue of this compilation proposes 15 Falcon demos and intros encoded with the DivX codec. This CD is available via FTP (ISO image).
July 15th, 2002
HYP_View 0.12
Realized by Philipp Donzé, this software is an ST-Guide clone. It can display help (*.HYP) files. HYP_View is still in development and the version 0.12 only supports German language.
WenSuite Tools 0.7.3
Made above all for WenSuite users, WenSuite Tools manages the e-mail and newsgroup databases of this browser.
July 9th, 2002
Red Cat Rummy 500
This is a card game for Atari ST. It was developped in the nineties but never released until now.