By Strider
Sources: newsgroups, ST-Computer, MagiC online,, DHS
June 2002: new versions
ACE MIDI 1.04 New Beat
CD Writer Suite 3.3
Anodyne Software
Dillo 0.6.5 Patrice Mandin
Diskus 3.9 Uwe Seimet
HighWire 0.05 HighWire
Icon Extract 1.3 Florent Lafabrie
Music Edit 7.2 Herbert Walz
MyMAIL 1.56 Erik Hälls
Parallel Copy 3.90 Petr Stehlik
PmDoom 0.29 (preversion 1) Patrice Mandin
Porthos 2.05 DSD
qed 5.02 HeiNiSoft
SainT 1.00b SainT
SDL Library Patrice Mandin
Sylpheed 0.7.8 Patrice Mandin
UPX 1.22 UPX
XaAES 0.950 XaAES
June 30th, 2002
ALIVE! issue 5
The last issue of this diskmag dedicated to ST sceners is available. There are two versions: one of ST and one for Falcon. All the articles are in English.
Dillo and Sylpheed
These applications come from the Unix world and have been adapted by Patrice Mandin. Dillo is a Web browser and Sylpheed is an e-mail client. They both need MiNT, a X11 server and a 68020 processor (or more). Moreover, Dillo need an FPU.
June 27th, 2002
New site about Atari ST musics
One of the MJJ Prod crew members has created a Web site dedicated to Atari ST musics. A big part of his site concerns soundchips, but you can also find some soundtracks.
CT60: some pictures
While we are waiting for the CT60 card, Rodolphe Czuba has put some pictures on his site...
Cresus beta-version
Rajah Lone, alias Pierre Tonthat, has released a beta-version of this new bank accounts manager software. It will be available as a shareware. Do not hesitate to contact the author if you decide to test Cresus.
GodPey is the last Reservoir Gods game. It is a conversion of GunPey, a puzzle game coming from the Wonderswan console (by Bandai). As usually with the Gods, numerous game modes are available.
Atari ST forum
A new forum is opened to all Atari ST fanatics. What's inside? Mostly discussions about demos, games, applications and emulators. Note that all the messages are in English.