By Strider

Sources: newsgroups, ST-Computer, MagiC online,, DHS


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June, 29th 2001

FalcAmp 1.08

Very few changes since the last version, but it proofs that FalcAmp is still in development. The coders would like to improve the "joint stereo" mode. Maybe for the next version?

More information on FalcAmp's site


June, 28th 2001

Aniplayer 2.16 is available

This version allows you to save a sound into MP3 format and to view DivX AVI files (beware, it's the OpenDivX library format and not the very famous "DivX ;-)" format, very popular on PC).

More information on Aniplayer's site - Send a mail to the author


June, 25th 2001

Atari risen from the dead?

According to an article on Yahoo (in French), Infogrames, which has bought Hasbro (and thus Atari) back in January, would like to be more present on the American video game market. To do it, they want to use the "Atari" name because it's still alive in memories, more than "Infogrames" (which is quite unknown in USA). According to Yves Bléhaut, senior vice-president of Infogrames Inc. : "We have a true worldwide trademark with Atari, everybody knows it in United States. (...) We are going to re-create this trademark on products being beyond the video game field". It seems too a studio created in Los Angeles works on updating the trademark.


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